Dana B. Davidson, CPA
Head of Public Accounting and Investment Management*
Dana brings broad experience in business and finance to the process of wealth management.
He graduated Summa Cum Laude (top 1% of all graduates) from Northern Illinois University in 1987 with a Bachelor of Science in Accountancy. That same year he received the prestigious Elijah Watt Sells Award and the Illinois Bronze medal when he passed the nationwide uniform CPA examination on the first attempt, ranking in the top 15 out of 72,000. He is an alumnus of both Arthur Andersen & Company's
Enterprise Group and Dekalb-Pfizer Genetics' International Accounting Division.
Dana is a retired U.S. Air Force Reserve Lieutenant Colonel. He is active in church and community affairs.
*To learn more about us or our sister companies please visit: www.Danatax.com and www.Lighthouselends.com